Let’s be cheerleaders
So, here it is, I’m actually doing this. [ Insert preferred expletive here! ]
I mean, I’ve only been carrying this baby around in my head for six or seven years, attempting it many times hovering over publish, consistently reminding myself that I’m not good enough, who cares what I have to share, blah blah…
However, something just keeps on nagging, in the tangle of my synapses, that you know what, I can’t be the only one that feels like this.
I am a designer and my housemates are chronic depression and anxiety.
There it is. And B R E A T H E.
To be perfectly honest I’ve really no idea what I’m doing, all I know is that I want to help other creatives, navigating their way through the murky fog with black dogs in tow, because it’s tough out there. As designers we need to be surrounded by ‘our people,’ to cheerlead for each other around the darkness when we feel like our creativity is slipping through our fingers; to draw courage from our shared experiences and force back the dementors.
It really is #TimeToTalk
So this is where you’ll find me; talking, sharing and hoping that maybe, just maybe I might be able to help even just one person feel a little less alone. Perhaps even inspire someone else to talk too.
Emm x
“What if I fall? Oh, but darling, what if you fly?”